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Volunteers Needed

Volunteer Coordinator Jeanie Lawrence 542-3550

Spring 2003

Hi everyone,
I have agreed to be the volunteer coordinator for the Chatham Soccer League. I am writing to everyone registered in soccer this spring to inform you of the league's need for volunteers and to ask for your help. A small group of volunteers make up the soccer board. These volunteers manage to get soccer off and running each fall and spring. There is an area coordinator for the Pittsboro area, the Perry Harrison area, the North Chatham area, the Siler City area, & the Silk Hope area. The board, area coordinators and coaches, need people to volunteer for the following jobs:
We need people to join the soccer board. There is a board meeting the fourth Thursday of each month during the fall and spring soccer season. This meeting is announced on the soccer web site-
We need a volunteer to arrange for photos to be taken each season.
 We need volunteers from each area school to pick up and distribute soccer registration forms to their child's school before the beginning of each season-in December for the spring season and in May for the fall season.
 We need volunteers to help with the end-of-season picnic. Each team will choose or be assigned a specific task to help out with the picnic. Contact for this spring picnic is Tanya Alvord e-mail
 We need volunteers to empty the trashcans at the Big Pittsboro Field and the North Chatham field.
 We need a volunteer from each team to pick up and carry home, the trash left by their team during practice and games. This will alleviate the need to empty the large trashcans as often. The area schools and churches that let us use their fields should not have to be concerned with our trash.
 We need volunteers from each area to work with the area coordinators to get all the soccer fields in the area measured and lined before the practices start each season.
 We need a volunteer from each team to make sure the lines on their home field are maintained during the season and are in good shape before games are played on their field. We have seven weeks in the spring season. Basically, depending on the weather, the fields need to lined once a week. That works out to be 2 or 3 times a season for each team. It takes about an hour at the most to line a field - easily done during a practice session.
 We need a volunteer from each area to make sure the nets are secured to the goals and are in good condition. Contact Lex Alvord with any problems
 We need a volunteer to paint the goals on the Spanish Baptist Church field.
Each area has an area coordinator who is responsible for getting their fields lined preseason, setting up practice schedules for the area teams and working as a communication link between area coaches and the board. I am trying to get volunteers to work with each area coordinator. These coordinators know where supplies are kept and other specifics of their area. The Pittsboro Area Coordinator is Jeanie Lawrence, North Chatham Area Coordinator is Frank Sutton, Perry Harrison Area Coordinator is John Theilgard, Siler City Area Coordinators are John Pleasants and Paul Cuadros and the Silk Hope Area Coordinator is Ruth Leight. All of these people are listed on the web site under Contact US
I did not intend for this to be such a lengthy e-mail. However, as you can see there are many tasks that need doing and very few people to do them. As in any other volunteer organization, the Chatham Soccer League is only as productive as its members. The more volunteers we have to help the lesser the burden  will be on everyone and the smoother the season will run. I hope you will seriously consider how much your child/children benefit from playing soccer in the League and can find some time to help with the tasks I have mentioned. The various tasks that need to be done will be outlined on the volunteer page on the website Please e-mail me at if you can help or if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you. Jeanie Lawrence


Help lining Fields, pre-season February 1-9:  Contact Jeanie Lawrence 542-3550

Help securing nets to goals:  Contact Lex Alvord 542-5916

Paint goals at Spanish Baptist Church:  Contact Lex Alvord 542-5916

Help with Spring Coaches Meeting and Clinic February 8:  Contact Lex Alvord 542-5916


Help lining Fields, before First Games March 1:  Contact Jeanie Lawrence 542-3550

Help lining Fields, before Games March 8:  Contact Jeanie Lawrence 542-3550

Help lining Fields, before Games March 15:  Contact Jeanie Lawrence 542-3550

Help lining Fields, before Games March 22:  Contact Jeanie Lawrence 542-3550

Help with Pictures March 22:  Contact Jeanie Lawrence 542-3550

Help lining Fields, before Games March 29:  Contact Jeanie Lawrence 542-3550

Help with Pictures March 22:  Contact Jeanie Lawrence 542-3550

Distribute Fall Soccer Registration Forms:  Contact Lex Alvord 542-5916

Prepare and distribute Coaching packets:  Contact Lex Alvord 542-5916

Help lining Fields, before Games April 5:  Contact Jeanie Lawrence 542-3550

Help lining Fields, before Games April 12:  Contact Jeanie Lawrence 542-3550

Help with Spring Soccer Celebration April 13:  Contact Tanya Alvord 542-5916

Post Season

Help with Challenge Team Try Outs May 5-9:  Contact Lex Alvord 542-5916

Help with Summer Camps

Fall 2003